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We Have The Resources, So Why Isn’t The Statue Of Liberty Animatronic Yet?

It’s time we talk about how our money is being spent. People say they want more innovative technology, but it seems like all we’re doing is funneling cash to Fortune 500 companies that, frankly, already have enough as it is. If we really want to work toward a better future, here’s a question: We have the money, and we have the resources, so why isn’t the Statue of Liberty animatronic yet?

Fact: If we invested half as much money into developing a single iPhone as we did into giving the Statue of Liberty giant motorized joints, we’d have easily converted her into a 300-foot dancing robot by now. Imagine, then, if we gave Lady Liberty the full amount of funding that this project deserves. We could all be watching her electromechanical copper bodice twist rhythmically day and night against the picturesque New York City skyline.

What kind of world do we want to hand down to future generations? Don’t we want our kids to live in a world with a singing, dancing Statue of Liberty? Don’t we want them to look across the Hudson River and see a gigantic green woman waking up from her slumber, projecting the national anthem from her open jaw, and swaying a flashing neon LED torch to the rhythm?

…If we invested half as much money into developing a single iPhone as we did into giving the Statue of Liberty giant motorized joints, we’d have easily converted her into a 300-foot dancing robot by now.

Frankly, I would not be able to live with myself if I did not convince others that the Statue of Liberty should do the following things:

Nod her head at the Empire State Building

Sing “New York, New York” at the top of every hour

Light up pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Do a fun dance once in a while

Hold two torches

Hit those two torches against each other to make a loud noise

Pump her fist when the Knicks win

Play a banjo

Of course I still love my phone, my computer, and every single one of my apps. Of course I think the private sector needs to keep innovating. But we need to strike a balance between that, and giving Lady Liberty the ability to sound an alarm, open her eyelids, dance a full routine, and then close them once again.

This is America. If we put our minds to it, there’s no reason that, on the Fourth of July, the Statue of Liberty shouldn’t be able to spin her head around 360 degrees and shoot fireworks out of her eyes. So, let’s put our heads together, invest in some high-torque motors, and do this. For America.