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We Need More Apps That Show You Pictures Of People

Over the past several years, apps have become a major part of daily life. They allow us to perform a variety of functions on our mobile devices, from playing music and games to accessing directions for travel. While these developments are certainly a step in the right direction, there is a pressing issue that still must be addressed: We are in desperate need of more apps that show you pictures of people.

The current number of apps that shows you pictures of people is embarrassingly low, and we deserve a much better selection. With the technology available to us now, a person looking at pictures of people on his or her smartphone runs out of images in minutes. This is unacceptable, especially for a society that produces pictures of people at such a high volume and frequency. Without enough ways to look at these pictures, we’re potentially dealing with a situation where many of them go unseen. Is that a world we want to live in?

Without enough ways to look at these pictures, we’re potentially dealing with a situation where many of them go unseen.

There are endless possibilities for new apps that could fix this problem. For instance, there could be an app that shows you somebody’s picture, and underneath there’s a button labeled “Show Me More.” Another might let you indicate if you like the image, perhaps with a heart or thumbs-up. With some, you could scroll through the people, but others would utilize swiping or even just tapping with a finger. No method should be dismissed, not when there are so many pictures we need to see.

As for the content or purpose of these apps’ pictures, all that matters is that they’re of people and we get to look at them. That alone will be enough. Who they are is not important; celebrities, friends, family, or strangers—it doesn’t matter. Maybe you’ll want to talk to them. Maybe you’ll want to meet or even date them. While unnecessary, those features can be a part of these apps, but the primary focus has to be getting the pictures of people constantly streaming into your phone at your command.

At the rate we’re going now, we’ll never even scratch the surface of all the pictures of people we could be looking at on our phones. The only way to rectify this problem is to create these apps today. If there’s enough consumer demand, we’ll receive more ways to see pictures of people. So let your voice be heard. Help us get what we need.